Wednesday 16 October 2019


people talk of religion, but they do not know what religion is,otherwise nothing could be more sweeter than religion. religion is the touch of the great ones. That is why we see every one filled with nirvana, in the saad sangat of the blessed is their favor which saves us from the maya. we feel we are on the heights, and on still higher heights everyday,the pull is towords the sky and not the earth,because the more we are pulled towords the earth,we start loosing the heights within, but mind you when the religon is stolen from us by the people more attached to the earth(or we may call them visible or invisible robbers) the life of spirit (bauji use to call it jeevan roen)starts sinking,within us.but we do not realise this till we really come below a certain level. i at times feel that the fall is a nessesity because the reaction of the complex emotions ,is living and thus gives rise to the previous attained heights and mind you this time ,our grip is more stronger and versetile. if we take care not to loose the vital fluid of heaven(aab-e –hyaat) which keeps flowing into us through the blessed ones(or their sangat) then the rise is continuse.but ones we are above the snowline,thereafter there is no fall. we are blessed that through “living’ sangat we know all these facts,because otherwise it will take years and years to even understand this simple problem. knoledge keeps the life a flame. perhaps this is why guru ji gave us the guru granth sahib along with the ,blessed saad sangat. dhan guru nanak

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